Wednesday, January 19, 2011

oops i did it again

well this is enough of the 'angry' posts from me for awhile...even i am sick of it haha :)
this is why i can never win fights lol i can't hold onto annoyance and anger for very long...its just unhealthy and makes me feel emotionally and physically sick so i have to just let it go. or at least put it out of mind.

anyways, today was pretty good actually. i had lunch with an old friend and a mutual coworker today. that was really nice and fun and i really enjoyed myself. i was also like out of the blue contacted by 4 other separate people from my past randomly (none of whom know each other!) so it has been quite an odd day in that respect. at that point i decided hey what the hell and contacted the few people i would like to keep up with that i haven't talked to in awhile too. i have already heard back from 2 too so its like 'blast from the past' week for me hahaha :)

 so the big take-home for this blog from today is...(insert drumroll here)...

i suck at keeping up with people. its not that i forget them, i just get busy and don't make the effort and then its been so long that its awkward and i just lose touch. so if you are friends with me, or just know me, don't take this personally! just contact me and hey i will always reply.

(even if i dont want to really...but thats putting a negative and dark spin on the end of this overall positive post so i will not elaborate more on that one....and will instead name this post after one of my favorite songs from my youth yay)