so apparently i am a bad influence? hahaha yeah i find it funny too.
especially once i go over all of the people i have hung out with in the past week....
and i am the most stable overall. and no thats not necessarily a compliment OR an insult if i saw you this week so don't read into it :) of course maybe this is one of those things where i think i'm the normal one just like people in psych wards do...who knows. either way i still find it amusing since i've always been told that at the first impression i seem so angelic and innocent.
in other news i spent the weekend just going out and having fun. oh and i did some shopping as well on sunday haha of course :) saw the new movie 'no strings attached'. it was amusing and a little more realistic than a typical romantic comedy, but not a whole lot. so not terrible for a movie, but not really my type of deal for an extended period of time.
oh and i also need to remember that my liver has been taking it easy for a super long time so it is making me into a huge lightweight now. im not a big fan of being the first drunk girl at the party so to i gotta work on that a little bit haha