so today wasn't bad at all. i went to work as usual. it went better than a normal monday back. and i cooked a fabulously yummy dinner. and greek came on tonight. and yet i am in an unhappy mood still.
i feel really unappreciated and undervalued lately. by my coworkers, friends, and even some family. its in the tone people use with me...telling me when we are going to dinner at this restaurant on thursday at 7 instead of asking me. telling me to autoclave their stuff or buy this from the store instead of asking me. or a call 20 minutes after i was supposed to meet you, if i get one at all, saying that hey you can't make it now but maybe later. all of these things make me feel like people really don't respect me. or take the time to consider my feelings. i know i am a little hypersensitive to hurting others' feelings but that makes it even more frustrating for me. i know i need to start getting comfortable actually calling people out on it. i've started trying this slowly with people i feel safer around which is kindof ironic since they have all seemed so taken aback like i have hurt their feelings by setting this new boundary. this was of course not been my intention and thus makes me feel guilty on top of the frustration. so its like i can't win for losing on this issue so far. any suggestions?
oh and also guesses for this song? since no one can seem to guess the past ones here's a hint: it's by taylor swift <3